Reflections on storytelling and spiritual health
Insights on storytelling and spiritual health As part of a recent project on healthy aging, I asked Semiguul (Fanny Nelson, Elder from Metlakatla) to share her thoughts on storytelling and spi...
Insights on storytelling and spiritual health As part of a recent project on healthy aging, I asked Semiguul (Fanny Nelson, Elder from Metlakatla) to share her thoughts on storytelling and spi...
Salmon, salmon, salmon … so delicious and nutritious! Canned, fried, baked, dried, smoked, candied, pickled … the possibilities are endless! My mouth is watering just thinking about it. Salmon ...
Spending time at the local range I have to admit that during my time in the army, I really enjoyed the time spent on the firing range. Now, I haven't done any target shooting for a long time, but i...
Have you ever been told that carrying or holding your baby too much will spoil them? This is a common myth held by many parents and caregivers. In fact, the opposite is true! Research has shown tha...
Quitting is hard, what’s your story? Since World No Tobacco Day on May 30, Northerners have been sharing their ‘Quit Stories’. I’d like to share a few more of the stories that came in,...
Are you getting enough calcium? As we age, our appetites decrease and we often pay less attention to nutrition. Many seniors live alone and have difficulty finding motivation to cook proper meals a...