Celebrating National Physiotherapy Month
May is National Physiotherapy Month, where we highlight how physiotherapy can support healthy aging! As part of our celebrations, we’ll be sharing a couple of stories to highlight physiotherapists f...
May is National Physiotherapy Month, where we highlight how physiotherapy can support healthy aging! As part of our celebrations, we’ll be sharing a couple of stories to highlight physiotherapists f...
(Note: events in this story happened before the COVID-19 pandemic. Care might look a little different right now to take the necessary precautions to keep staff and patients safe. Adult Day Programs in...
Dr. Shannon Douglas has spent most of her life in the Lakes Omineca area and cannot imagine a better place to live. Dr. Douglas provides care as a rural family physician to the many communities sur...
Happy National Nursing Week (May 10-16) and International Nurses’ Day (May 12)! The theme for Nursing Week in 2021 is #WeAnswerTheCall. To celebrate, we interviewed our three Chief Operating Officer...
The Northern Clinical Simulation program recently received a $60,000 “Sim Mom” simulator from the Spirit of the North Healthcare Foundation. This gives health care professionals more exposure and ...
The community of Terrace has come together to help make the residents of Terraceview Lodge feel more at home. With the help of fundraising, 72 doors in the facility were wrapped with colourful and fun...