 / Stories


A woman with shorter blonde hair wearing glasses with the ocean in the background

Susanne Watson moved to Northern BC with my family over 20 years ago and made her home in Smithers, BC. Coming into rural practice as a relatively new physiotherapist was daunting and the…

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Tamara is a registered dietitian currently working with the clinical nutrition team at UHNBC and in long term care facilities in Prince George. Originally from a small city in Saskatchewan, she…

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Tamara was a communications advisor for the innovation and development commons at Northern Health where she works on a number of projects with the research, quality improvement, clinical…

Woman with long blonde hair and glasses

Taylar is the program lead for public health practice in Fort St John. Taylar was born and raised in Prince George and earned her degree in Nursing in 2011 at UNBC. She tries to embrace everything…

Woman with long blonde hair

Taylor is a Lead with Indigenous Health, Northern Health. She was born and raised in Vanderhoof, but moved to Prince George in 2011 where she started school and graduated with a history degree.…

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Terry completed his dietetic internship with Northern Health in 2018. He currently works in the Lower Mainland as a registered dietitian. 

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Theresa is now retired, but was a lead and at one time manager for healthy community development with Northern Health’s population health team. She is passionate about the capacity of…

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Trisha was born and raised in the north. She started her career with Northern Health as a Speech Language Pathologist in 2012. In her current role, she supports children who have communication…

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Vanessa is a registered nurse and the Executive Lead for Perinatal Program for Northern Helath. Located in Quesnel, Vanessa…

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Vickie started with Northern Health as a care aide at Terraceview Lodge in 1996 and worked on the Psychiatric Unit of Mills Memorial Hospital since 2019. Her professional passion helped people re-…

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Victoria was at one time the lead for engagement and integration for Northern Health's Aboriginal Health department. She is an adopted member of the Nisga’a nation and was given the name “Nox Aama…

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Vince Terstappen was a Project Assistant with the health promotions team at Northern Health. He has an undergraduate and graduate degree in the area of community health and is passionate about…