 / Stories


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Shellie grew up in rural Newfoundland and moved to B.C. in 2003. After graduating from the nursing program at Thompson Rivers University in 2007 she moved to Prince George to start her career. She…

Woman smiling with dark hair pulled back

Shelly Crack has been a Community Dietitian on Haida Gwaii for the past 15 years. She is grateful for her island mentors, who have broadened her understanding of how a dietitian can support…

A woman smiles into the camera.

Sherry worked as a population health dietitian, until her retirement in September 2021. 

Woman with shoulder length brown hair stands against a tree trunk.

Sierra completed her dietetic practice education placement with Northern Health in Spring of 2024. She is currently working as a registered dietitian for Island Health.

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Stacie Weich was the Regional Mental Wellness and Prevention of Substance Harms Lead for Northern Health’s Population Health team. A passion for people and wellness has driven her to pursue a…

Woman smiling with long blonde hair

Stefanie (she/her), a registered social worker and end-of-life doula, balances dual roles as a Mental Health & Substance Use Clinician at Northern Health with her private counselling practice…

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Stephanie is a Registered Nurse with Northern Health.

Stephanie Haberstock

Stephanie works in Northern Health as the Regional Clinical Practice Lead for Physiotherapy with the Regional Rehabilitation Services Team. She grew up between Victoria and Williams Lake before…

Steve Raper

Steve is the Chief of External Relations and Communications for Northern Health, where he leads marketing, communications, web and media relations activities. He has a business diploma from the…

man with beard and moustache wearing glasses

Steven is a recruiter with Northern Health. He advertises, markets and gets in contact with health care workers throughout Canada to sell Northern Health careers. Steve has a bachelor’s degree in…

A woman with shorter blonde hair wearing glasses with the ocean in the background

Susanne Watson moved to Northern BC with my family over 20 years ago and made her home in Smithers, BC. Coming into rural practice as a relatively new physiotherapist was daunting and the…

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Tamara is a registered dietitian currently working with the clinical nutrition team at UHNBC and in long term care facilities in Prince George. Originally from a small city in Saskatchewan, she…