IMAGINE Grants are back!
Northern Health is excited to open the call for IMAGINE Community Grants again! We’re looking for community partners with ideas for projects that will improve the health and wellness of those living...
Northern Health is excited to open the call for IMAGINE Community Grants again! We’re looking for community partners with ideas for projects that will improve the health and wellness of those living...
The Public Health Protection team has been an essential part of Northern Health’s COVID-19 pandemic response. The team helps ensure our communities are kept safe by providing education and enforceme...
Northern Health (NH) and First Nations Health Authority (FNHA) have extended the 2020/2021 call for Wellness Grant applications for First Nations, Inuit, and Métis commu...
Note: The deadline for these grants has been extended - see our new story! Northern Health (NH) and First Nations Health Authority (FNHA) are happy to release the 2020/2021 call...
(Note: a version of this story originally appeared on the Rural Coordination Centre of BC website.) The Terrace Women’s Wellness Group has won the 2020 Award of Excellence for Team...
(Note: events in this story happened before the COVID-19 pandemic. Care might look a little different right now to take the necessary precautions to keep staff and patients safe.) The Adult Day Awa...
It’s natural to feel worried and afraid about COVID-19. These are stressful times. Everyone reacts differently to stressful situations. Know that you’re not alone. It’s normal to feel ...