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Gear up for winter


Snow covered mountains under a blue sky.
Where do you most like to gear up for the winter?

Commit to wearing a helmet

Have you set any goals for the New Year yet? How about starting the year off with making a commitment to wearing a helmet while engaging in your favourite winter sports and activities?

According to Parachute Canada, everyone should be gearing up; using the right gear for the sport. It's estimated that approximately 35 per cent of all skiing and snowboarding head injuries could be prevented by simply wearing a helmet! Especially at risk are youth aged 10-19. This age group has the highest number of preventable injuries related to skiing and snowboarding.

Living in Northern BC, we have ample opportunity to ski, snowboard, ice skate, toboggan and snowmobile right in our own backyards. We are so fortunate to know the joy and exhilaration of playing in a winter wonderland. To stay in the game and on the slope, we need to do our part to keep active and prevent serious winter sport injuries!

Get motivated and involved!

So, where can you start? Get motivated and involved - commit to wearing the gear. Tell us where you'll be wearing your gear this winter and you could win!

From January 14 to the 28, we're running a Facebook contest where you can post your favourite winter activity spots in Northern BC (photos welcome!) for a chance to win a ski/winter sport helmet! The deadline is 2 pm on January 28, full contest details available on our Facebook Page. (Contest is now closed.)

Over the next two weeks, we'll be sharing all sorts of winter sport safety tips and information. Stay up to date by checking out the Northern Health Facebook and Twitter page.

Watch our awesome Gear Up For Winter video to get yourself ready for some safe winter fun.

Want more convincing facts about helmet safety? Check out Parachute Canada's video below!