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Don’t put your bikes away – Fall GoByBike is almost here!


Fall biking gear, like pants, a high-visibility vest, helmet, and gloves.
Warm layers and reflective gear are key to safe and warm fall biking

I don’t know about you, but I didn’t get out on my bike as much as I wanted to this summer! I’m chalking it up to rainy weather, dog-mom responsibilities, and general summer season busyness. I am  thankful for Bike to Work & School week – it helped me get a few more rides in at the beginning of the season!

Now that fall is here, I find myself itching to pull my bike out again. The crisp, cool air mixed with the blue skies, sunshine, and gorgeous colours of fall make being on two wheels an absolute joy. In fact, when I put it that way, fall might actually be my favourite cycling season!

Lucky for us, the GoByBike BC Society is giving us yet another reason to continue riding. Fall GoByBike weeks, the new sister event to Bike to Work & School Week that takes place in the spring, run province-wide from October 21 to November 3.

Using your bike instead of your vehicle to get around is an excellent way to:

  • Fit some physical activity into your day
  • Clear your head
  • Arrive at your destination more energized and focused
  • Do your part for the environment

Full disclosure: I’m well aware that for many of us in the North, it could be full-on winter during part of the Fall GoByBike weeks. Also full disclosure: I personally do not consider myself a winter rider, so I’m crossing my fingers that the “white stuff” holds off ! That being said, winter riding (with either studded or fat tires) is becoming an increasingly popular activity, so why not register and log a few rides?

Once again, registered participants who log at least one ride will be eligible to enter to win the grand prize of a trip for two to cycle the Baltics (not in winter conditions!). That’s pretty motivating, isn’t it?!?

Are you or have your ever been a winter rider? If so, what are some of the “must haves” to make your ride safe and enjoyable?