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Come for the experience, stay for the supportive work environment!


Woman with long hair and glasses stands in front of waterfront landscape.
Maggie enjoying the view from the shores of Haida Gwaii.

Maggie Boese-Ezard completed her Bachelor of Science in Nursing at the University of Victoria on Vancouver Island. During her final placement, she had the opportunity to work at the Haida Gwaii Hospital and Health Centre in Daajing Giids, which led Maggie to apply for a six-month term position as a new graduate.  

Maggie happily reports, that for the past few months, she has been fully supported in her transition and her work by coworkers, management, and the Northern Health New Graduate Team. 

“They have made this transition one that I will always remember,” says Maggie. “From endless email responses, to encouraging me to join in on education courses, I feel very lucky to have had this experience at the Haida Gwaii Hospital. Northern Health has gone all out in making me feel like a part of the team and I look forward to continuing my education and career alongside them.” 

Maggie graduated in April 2023 and is now working at Haida Gwaii Hospital as a registered nurse in a combined medical-surgical role. As well, she has recently started her maternity specialty education through Northern Health. 

Check out the New Graduate Transition Program for the support they provide to new graduate health care professionals on their transition to practice.