10 tips for talking to kids about tobacco
You can make a difference! Don't assume kids will learn all they need to know to be tobacco free at school and that you don't need to get involved. Parents can help their kids to avoid t...
You can make a difference! Don't assume kids will learn all they need to know to be tobacco free at school and that you don't need to get involved. Parents can help their kids to avoid t...
Do you smoke cigarettes or chew tobacco? Everyone knows that smoking cigarettes or chewing tobacco is bad for your health. Are you wishing that you never started? Do you hope that your kids never star...
It's always a good choice to stop smoking Are you a senior who smokes? Do you know or love a senior who smokes? Smoking is hard to give up at any age, but it can seem even more challenging for thos...
“Hey, when did you start?” Bryan looks up. “When I was 13 - I’m 20 now and I’m hooked.” As we acknowledge National Non Smoking Week this week, our attention turns to youth. Nearly all t...
This article was co-written by Nancy Viney (tobacco reduction, Northern Health), Rhya Hartley (City of Quesnel), and the Quesnel Healthier Community Committee. It was originally published in the Winte...
This article was co-written by Reg Wulff and Doreen Bond. Did you read our last blog post about the rollout of Northern Health's new and improved Smoke Free Grounds policy? Now that you've had a bi...
This blog was co-written by Reg Wulff and Doreen Bond You know, it wasn't that long ago that things were a lot different when it came to where a person can smoke. I can remember when smoking w...