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Take the BC SPEAK Survey today!


Take the BC SPEAK Survey
Take the survey. Have your voice heard Northern BC.

Public Heath has launched the third round of the SPEAK Survey, and now is the time to have your voice heard Northern BC.  

Funded by the BCCDC Foundation for Public Health, the Survey on Population Experiences, Action, and Knowledge (SPEAK) is a B.C.-wide survey to help us better understand the social, economic, physical, and mental health and well-being needs of our communities. This is the third year that the survey will be running, and the data collected offers valuable insights into the experiences of residents 18 and older. 

SPEAK Survey informs health care decisions  

In 2020, almost 400,000 British Columbians participated in the first SPEAK Survey, and in 2021 almost 200,000 participated. It’s important that we hear from residents across the North, but particularly from those who live in rural and remote communities, older adults, and people with children and young adults in their lives. Learning about the priorities of Northern BC residents will help inform health and community-level decision making. The results from the previous surveys have helped guide vaccine planning for COVID-19, community pandemic restart planning, and discussions around mental health supports across the province.   

Complete the survey and win! 

The survey will be open for approximately two months, and we encourage everyone to participate to ensure our Northern priorities are captured. Northern BC residents who take the survey will be entered to win a prize. You can win one of three iPads or one of 150 grocery gift cards. Once you have participated, please share the survey with friends, loved ones, and neighbours to help us spread the word and ensure diverse experiences are captured.  

For more information about BC SPEAK visit the BCCDC website.