The Canadian Alliance of Mental Illness and Mental Health (CAMIMH) has identified October 3-9 as Mental Illness Awareness Week. This ends with the World Health Organization (WHO) designated World Mental Health Day on October 10. This week and day allows for Canada and the world to raise awareness of mental health, efforts being made, and support available.
The CAMIMH’s goals are to connect with Canadians about mental illness, to reduce the stigma associated with mental illness, to shed light on available mental health services and supports, and to keep working to make sure mental health policy has national attention so this support can continue.
Some excellent mental health resources
- CAMIMH resources (including general resources, telephone help lines, and COVID-19 resources)
- Child and youth mental health resources
- Mental health resources during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Mental wellness and mental health
- Stories about mental health and wellness
If your mental health, or that of anyone you know, is cause for serious, urgent concern, please consider immediate help.
- Talking about your mental health concerns with a doctor, a therapist, a counselor, an Elder, or another trusted resource
- Resources for severe mental health issues and suicide
The theme for the 2021 World Mental Health Day is “Mental Health in an Unequal World.” This theme was chosen through a global vote due to the polarity in the world today. The COVID-19 pandemic, and events of 2020 highlighted many inequalities in the world. This theme was chosen to shine a spotlight about how impactful issues of inequality (in race and ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, economy, and many other topics) are on people’s mental health.
Awareness of mental health and wellness, and the supports and resources available is important. Treat yourself kindly, and take care of you.
Social service agencies feel they can gaslight people in treatment.
FYI—-My Father in law is a Psychiatrist with DND…