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How do I practice physical distancing?


A graphic describes to to practise physical distancing.
Physical distancing is an effective way to help stop the spread of COVID-19.

Physical distancing is a way that we can slow the spread of COVID-19 by limiting close contact with others. There are many ways to practise physical distancing:  

  • Limit activities outside your home
  • Use virtual options to connect with others
  • If you are out in public, try to keep 2 metres between yourself and others 
  • ‎Keep your hands at your side when possible
  • Stay home when you are sick
  • Cough into your elbow or sleeve
  • Avoid social activities in large gatherings

Even though we are not sick, we should still keep about two meters (six feet) or the length of a queen-sized bed from one another when we can when outside our homes.

More information: 

  • BCCDC - Common Questions
  • NH Covid-19 Online Clinic & Information Line: 1-844-645-7811
  • BC Govt. COVID-19 Helpline: 1-888-COVID19 or 1-888-268-4319