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Healthy eating during COVID-19: Tips from Northern Health dietitians


A child in a Winnie the Pooh outfit eats a meal and talks to a woman on a tablet.
Skype dinners, simple meals, and being flexible – just a few tips from NH dietitians for feeding ourselves in the Spring of 2020.

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on our daily lives, including how we feed ourselves and others. The notion that healthy eating is flexible, and is shaped by the contexts of our lives, has never been truer. Although there are challenges, we’re not alone in this, and we can lean on one another for support – virtually, of course!

Read on for ideas from Northern Health dietitians.

“During this crazy time, I look forward to family meals even more. This is a time when I can put the worries of the day behind me, talk with my family, giggle with my kids, and really enjoy our time together. What we’re eating isn’t the important thing; it’s being there, all together, and enjoying each other’s company.” - Rebecca Fraser, Vanderhoof

“As we practise physical distancing, and perhaps self-isolate, this could limit who we share our meals with. Consider using technology to cook and eat together virtually! FaceTime, Skype, Facebook Messenger, and What's App all have videoconferencing capabilities. Don't have video chat? Call a friend and share a meal over speakerphone.” - Robyn Turner, Vanderhoof

"While I'm sad that we can't physically gather with our extended family, we’ve found other ways to show we care. For example, my partner and I dropped off groceries for our in-laws the other day. We can spread positivity in these challenging times, and those small acts of kindness are contagious! If you’re able, consider how you can help community members in need, whether it's donating to your local food bank or lending a helping hand to your elderly neighbour." - Emilia Moulechkova, Terrace

“Are you reducing your trips to the grocery store? I find that a little planning can go a long way. Consider creating a list of what’s missing from your pantry and what you might need for breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and snacks in the weeks ahead. Quick and creative meals can be made with just a few basic items.” - Sherry Ogasawara, Prince George

“Healthy eating is flexible and personal. This is especially true today. Your current circumstances might impact what, when, and how much you eat. For example, you might:

  • Make do with the foods you have available, versus your usual foods.
  • Try new foods or foods prepared in new ways.
  • Enjoy more comfort foods as part of your meals and snacks.
  • Eat more or less than usual, or more or less often, in response to your body’s internal cues of hunger, fullness, and satisfaction.

This is healthy eating. Trust yourself to know what’s best for you.” - Flo Sheppard, Terrace

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