Northern Health's IMAGINE Community Grants provide funding to a variety of groups with projects that make Northern communities healthier. Our hope is that these innovative projects inspire healthy community actions where you live! Check out the story below and read more IMAGINE Community Grant stories.
What's geocaching?
Community members in Hudson's Hope know!
The District of Hudson's Hope received an IMAGINE Community Grant in 2015 and were able to start a community geocaching program for residents and visitors to the area. It's a great way to be active, connect with friends and strangers, and enjoy the outdoors!

So, what is it?
The District describes geocaching as
"...a real-world, outdoor treasure hunting game using GPS-enabled devices. Participants navigate to a specific set of GPS coordinates [using a GPS receiver or a mobile device] and then attempt to find the geocache (container) hidden at that location."
The District of Hudson's Hope Geo-Adventure is a series of hidden geocaches in the Hudson's Hope region. Residents and visitors alike can search for all the caches and complete the Geo-Adventure passport to receive prizes.
In 2015, the District of Hudson's Hope applied for an IMAGINE Community Grant and they used the funds from their successful application to purchase caches, GPS units, and trackable coins to get their program started. The goal for the project was to increase awareness of geocaching and to get people outdoors exploring nature, all while promoting healthy living. Another goal was to develop a recreational program that could increase tourism to the area.
Looking back, Becky Mercereau with the District of Hudson's Hope reflects on the program:
"The greatest impact was getting community members outdoors and enjoying active living. There are now 29 geocaches within our boundary, which is an increase from the 9 that were already created here at the beginning of the year. People who joined us in the treasure hunting really enjoyed all the locations; they found them while enjoying the wonderful outdoors of our Playground of the Peace."
Want to try something new this summer?
Head to Hudson's Hope and complete their Geo-Adventure! For more information on geocaching in Hudson’s Hope, visit the District's geocaching website. For more information about geocaching, join the world's largest treasure hunt!
If the success of geocaching in the District of Hudson's Hope has you thinking about active living projects for your community, get your project ready for the next round of IMAGINE Community Grants! The next call for applications will be September 19, 2016.
IMAGINE Community Grants provide funding to community organizations, service agencies, First Nations bands and organizations, schools, municipalities, regional districts, not-for-profits, and other partners with projects that make northern communities healthier. We are looking for applications that will support our efforts to prevent chronic disease and injury, and improve overall well-being in our communities. The next call out for IMAGINE Community Grants will be September 19, 2016.