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Jago Award winners: Empathy


A man sits on a log and looks into the camera.
Darren Woolgar, winner of the Dr. Charles Jago Award for Empathy.

Northern Health (NH) strives to make our values – empathy, respect, collaboration, and innovation – the core of what we do every day.

The Dr. Charles Jago Awards, named after our former board chair, acknowledge and celebrate the NH staff, physicians, and teams who have made outstanding contributions to the organization’s goals, reflecting our values in the process.

The winner under the “Empathy” category for 2020 is Darren Woolgar, team lead for Interprofessional Team 2.

Jodi Temoin, the lead for Interprofessional Team 6, said this about Darren:

“Darren exudes empathy every day as part of his role as a team lead for the Primary Care teams. Darren has worked supporting the teams through many difficult system changes while marinating an empathetic, positive attitude towards both clients and staff. He is consistently kind to everyone he engages with, is patient and sensitive to the needs of others, often putting them first while trying to gain an understanding of where they are coming from. He is an excellent judge of character and has a keen ability to sense when staff are struggling and needing a moment to debrief or be supported.”

Congratulations, Darren!