Haylee is the Communications and Marketing Lead for the SaferCare initiative, Northern Health’s 10-year major quality improvement and digital transformation initiative. Based in Prince George, she…
Heather is a Registered Nurse currently working in Population Health as the Regional Nursing Lead, Healthy Schools. Past work experiences include Public Health and teaching nursing at UNBC and in…
Heather joined Northern Health in September of 2019 as the Program Lead for Public Health Practice in the Northwest. Over her 10 years of nursing, she has held a variety of acute and critical care…
Re-Deployed Quesnel COVID-19 Immunization Front of Clinic Supervisor, and Physician Quality Improvement Coordinator, Specialist Services Committee: A partnership of Doctors of BC and the…
Holly Hughes (she/her) is a communications lead with Northern Health. She is passionate about healthy living, healthy communities, and delicious food. Originally from Ontario, Holly lived in…
Jackie was at one time a speech and language pathologist living and working in Queen Charlotte, Haida Gwaii. She grew up on the opposite coast (Saint John, New Brunswick) and graduated from McGill…
Jaime graduated from the UNBC Nursing Program in 2003 and she is currently working as a team lead for Preventive Public Health Nursing in Prince George. Jaime is passionate about health promotion…
Jane worked at Northern Health as the Emergency Dental Outreach Clinic coordinator and as a community dental hygienist, travelling to many communities in the northern interior. Her passion is to…
Jane Ritchey was previously the Interim Executive Lead for the Perinatal Program. (Jane recently retired from Northern Health, we wish her all the best.)
Janice Paterson is the Specialist Services Committee Leader at Northern Health, connecting physicians and their teams with opportunities to improve patient care through collaborative partnerships…
Jasleen Hansra is a first-generation Punjabi-Canadian raised in Saskatoon, SK. She is a class of 2022 pharmacy graduate from the University of Saskatchewan, completing her pharmacy residency with…
Jasneil (Jas) Dhillon is the Regional Manager, Northern Clinical Simulation Program, and has been working with this team since 2019. He is responsible for simulation program delivery across…