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Why March is my favourite month of the year


A smiling woman standing next to a large poster board titled "Let's Cook Together" with a variety of ingredients, including apples and peanut butter, sitting on the table in front of it.
In 2019, Robyn attended the Health Fair at Nadleh. Her booth was about showing how various age groups can help in the kitchen.

March is my favourite month of the year! Why? It’s Nutrition Month – the month that I, along with my colleagues, celebrate our profession and how dietitians support health.

Becoming a dietitian

I completed the requirements to be a dietitian in 2016. In the past four years, my perspective of what a dietitian is and does has changed a lot: I now have a broader perspective.

Before I began my university training in dietetics, I thought my courses would teach me the “right” way to eat. However, through both academic and practical experience, I learned that being flexible and non-judgmental are important traits for dietitians.

So, while we help translate nutrition science for everyday living, we are not “the food police.”

Using a holistic approach

Dietitians aren’t just nutrition educators. We take a holistic approach to our work, meaning we consider all aspects of our clients’ lives.

When I’m working with patients, only some of our time is spent talking about what a patient eats. The majority of our time is spent on understanding the person – talking about their work, family, and social life. I look at eating patterns, sleep patterns, and overall lifestyle.

Why? Because what we eat is only a small piece of the puzzle. How we eat matters too!

I also consider bigger influences on what and how we eat – for example, what types of foods are available at the local grocery store, available cooking resources, the client’s grocery budget, and the influence of culture on food. Many things need to be considered to help patients make the best possible plan! 

Dietetics is more than just food

The profession of dietetics is much more than just food – I welcome you to join me in celebrating Nutrition Month 2020.

The Joy of Food Contest

During Nutrition Month, show us how food brings you joy – we’ll enter you to win a special gift basket brimming with locally sourced products!

See official rules and complete details at ­­­bit.ly/NutritionMonthContest!