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Take part in the 24-hour smoke break challenge: Weedless Wednesday!


Northern Health support for quitting tobacco and cannabis
Supports are available if you're looking to quit using commercial tobacco or cannabis use.

Join us Wednesday January 24, 2024, for a day free of commercial tobacco and/or cannabis that’s dedicated to support individuals who smoke or vape.

What’s Weedless Wednesday all about?

Weedless Wednesday is a special day that raises awareness about the harmful effects of smoking or vaping commercial tobacco and/or cannabis. The day encourages people to quit or abstain from smoking and/or vaping for 24 hours.

Participate in Weedless Wednesday by joining the challenge!

  • Decide not to smoke or use any smoking or vaping products for the next 24 hours.
  • Research the potential harms of smoking and vaping. Share the information with loved ones to raise awareness.
  • Seek advice and support from trusted colleagues, family, or friends to guide and keep you motivated during the challenge.
  • Ask friends and family to join -- let’s inspire others to support this cause!
  • Access supports (see below!) to help you quit or reduce your smoking or vaping.

So, mark your calendars and join us on Weedless Wednesday! Let’s make a difference and create a healthier community together.

Many resources are available to assist you on your journey:

  • The BC Smoking Cessation Program helps eligible BC residents access 12 weeks of free nicotine replacement therapy (gum, patch, and lozenges) per calendar year through their local pharmacy.
  • Talk Tobacco provides free, confidential, culturally appropriate, and accessible support to quit/reduce smoking, vaping, and other commercial tobacco use.
  • QuitNow offers free information, support, and counselling by trained professionals by phone, text, or email.
  • The Knowing your Limits with Cannabis Guide offers information and support on changing current cannabis use patterns.
  • HealthLink BC substance use referral program provides free, confidential information and referral services in BC for people in need of support with any kind of substance use issue.