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The SmartMom program: Prenatal support in your pocket


SmartMom collage depicting a pregnant belly, a lady holding a newborn, someone kissing a newborn, and a family of three walking at a distance.

Did you know that only one-third of Canadian women go to prenatal education classes? To help support more pregnant women, the free SmartMom program was launched in 2017.

SmartMom texts you information to guide you through each week of your pregnancy, so you get the right information and resources at the right time.

All the information is from health sources you can trust, and texts are tailored to your due date. You’ll get messages three times a week (you can choose the times and days that work best for you).

Topics include:

  • How your baby is growing
  • Important choices you’ll face
  • How to manage your labour

For more info, the texts also include links to helpful websites, phone numbers, and videos.

With SmartMom in your pocket, you’ll have an information guide, a prenatal cheerleader, and a record of topics you might want to discuss with your care provider!

Enroll in the program or stay in the conversation!

To sign up for SmartMom Text “Northern” to 12323 or visit smartmomcanada.ca.

‘Like’ or ‘Follow’ us on Facebook and Instagram through @smartmomcanada, and through Twitter (@SmartMom_Canada).


Texts you might get from SmartMom:

  • You are your baby’s DJ! The sound of your voice soothes the baby, so talk & sing to them often. Video @ bit.ly/2ajHsV2
  • Staying active actually boosts your energy, improves your sleep, & reduces aches & pains! Win-win-win! See bit.ly/2QomY2R
  • Once contractions are regular, 1st labours last ~10-14 hours. There are 4 stages: What to expect @ each stage: bit.ly/2agutbh