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Qualitycast North: Avoiding physician burnout, featuring Dr. Ingrid Cosio


Dr. Ingrid Cosio
Dr. Cosio is a family physician in Prince George and the latest guest on the Qualitycast North podcast.

The Northern Health Physician Quality Improvement (PQI) podcast Qualitycast North continues with its third season.

Modern medicine is now far more intense, complex, and demanding of physicians than ever before. It may not come as a surprise to hear that physicians are experiencing increased rates of burnout. This issue tends to go unnoticed, yet it significantly impacts our healthcare system’s ability to withstand challenges and maintain its effectiveness over time.

In this episode we’re talking about physician wellness and burnout, and the inspirational work local physicians are engaging in to tackle this growing issue.

Dr. Ingrid Cosio is a family physician who has been practicing in Prince George for over 18 years. In addition to being an award-winning family doctor and providing medical leadership to the Northern Gender Clinic, she recently started the Prince George Physician Peer Support Program as a way to combat burnout and support the mental well-being of other physicians. She also shares her own strategies for self-care, such as early morning running and drawing from Stoic philosophy.

Listen to the episode here (or on your preferred podcast platform): Qualitycast North Podcast.