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Northern Health’s strategy for sexual and reproductive health: Share your voice


Northern Health is creating its very first sexual and reproductive health strategy.
Northern Health is creating its very first sexual and reproductive health strategy.

Have you heard? Northern Health is creating its very first sexual and reproductive health strategy. The strategy will support local health care teams to strengthen the services they provide to folks in Northern BC. Wondering how you can get involved? Read on to learn more!

Taking sex out of the closet

Sexual and reproductive health is an important part of your overall health and well-being. Being able to talk openly about sex is equally important. It’s a topic that spans your lifetime and can affect many areas in your life.

Northern Health takes a sex-positive approach to health and health care. This means that we talk openly about sex without judgment. We strive to offer sexual and reproductive health services that are inclusive and meet the diverse needs of our population.

Why do we need a strategy?

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are preventable. However, STIs such as syphilis are currently on the rise in Northern BC. It’s critical we offer accessible and inclusive services to help stop the spread of STIs.

We know living and working in the North comes with unique challenges and rewards. Having a better understanding how these affect sexual health and wellness will help us improve our services.

How can you get involved?

This is your opportunity to have a voice. We’re asking you to complete a brief online survey about your past experiences with sexual and reproductive health care services, and what changes or services you'd like to see in the future.

Complete the survey today and encourage your friends and colleagues to do the same. Thank you for helping us with this important work!