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Looking back: The top five posts of the blog's first four years!


Happy birthday candles
The Northern Health Matters blog is four years old! To celebrate, we’re looking back at the five most popular posts!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday dear Northern Health Matters bloooooooooooog!
Happy birthday to you!

OK, I'll admit that the song doesn't exactly roll off the tongue, but it's a special time for the Northern Health Matters blog nonetheless. On Saturday, the blog celebrated its fourth birthday! For four years, our contributors have been sharing stories, health tips, contests, resources, and more to help improve overall health in Northern BC.

Enjoy the look back!

Birthdays are a great time to reflect and reminisce so, for our 4th birthday, instead of balloons and cake, we thought we'd look back with a list of the top five most popular blog posts we've ever published.

When the blog launched in 2012, Dr. Ronald Chapman opened the site with his hope that it would provide "a window into the exciting activities being undertaken by Northern Health staff and our community partners across the region to improve our overall health." I believe that the top five posts below do just that and more, as they also provide a unique window into what you, our readers, have found the most interesting, inspiring, and informative.

Thank you for being a part of the last four years and we look forward to sharing more stories that, going back to Dr. Chapman's opening remarks, "showcase the idea that Northern Health matters."

Top five blog posts of all time

#5: Let's get cooking: Man cave chowder

#4: Men: Why not nursing?

#3: Know the signs of stroke: It can happen to anyone

#2: "I always knew that I would come back to nursing": Richelle's story

#1: The making of a flash mob

Given that it's the most popular of all time, it seems fitting to end with the flash mob video!