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IMAGINE grant: Guiding learning through imagery


Two computer monitors show materials from the Guided Imagery course.
Guided Imagery is a mindfulness practice that uses the connection between the mind and the body to promote relaxation, concentration, and performance.

Guided Imagery is a mindfulness practice that uses the connection between the mind and the body to promote relaxation, concentration, and performance. By imagining every detail of a peaceful setting like a beach or alpine meadow, you can relax the body and allow deeper concentration.

A well-known example of the effect of guided imagery is to picture a lemon, and imagine opening it. Imagine the colour, the texture, and the smell. Then, imagine taking a bite of that lemon. Many people will experience physical responses to this exercise, demonstrating that the mind is a powerful part of how the body functions.

Guided Imagery practitioners making an impact in the classroom

As practitioners of Guided Imagery, Megan Knott and Bev Berg of Fort St. John knew that the practice could help school-aged children achieve their full potential in the classroom. Their company, Rosy Window Productions, had already developed the Imagine If You Had a Cloud Program, which includes a book, guided imagery script and audio, instructions, and best use advice. They also developed an online course to give educators the tools they need to deliver guided imagery in the classroom. All that was left to do was apply for an IMAGINE Community Grant to help make their vision a reality!

Rosy Window shares resources with IMAGINE grant money

Fast forward to summer 2019, and 25 schools in School District 60 have received Megan and Bev’s resources, free of charge. Three teachers have completed the online workshop since it launched in June, and one school is fully committed to implementing the program in September. Rosy Window is now exploring ways to make their resources available to schools throughout the North, and all of BC. Rosy Window is a great example of how, with a little vision and determination, anything is possible!

Apply for an IMAGINE grant in September!

The fall 2019 intake of the IMAGINE Community Grants program opens for applications on September 1 and closes September 30, 2019. The program accepts applications that promote health in a wide range of areas, including physical activity, healthy eating, community food security, injury prevention and safety, mental health and wellness, prevention of substance harms, smoke and vape reduction, healthy aging, healthy schools, and more!

For more information, visit the IMAGINE Community Grants webpage today!