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Don’t let the season’s busyness get the best of you…join the December Dash Challenge!


Elf doing the December Dash
Join the December Dash and invite others to get active along with you!

Ready or not, the holiday season will be upon us in no time. Some of us may not be feeling so festive this year, and that’s okay. The holidays can be tough at the best of times, let alone when we’re dealing with a pandemic! Some people, though, are living for this season. I see proof of this on my evening walks – the number of decorations up already is astounding!

Whether you feel like an elf or a Grinch, one thing is certain: things are about to get busy, and with busyness often comes stress. This is where physical activity can help. We can prepare ourselves to handle the holidays by getting active now.

ParticipACTION is hosting a team physical activity challenge to help us start December off on the right foot: the December Dash runs from December 1-12, 2021. It’s easy to participate, it’s something fun to do with your colleagues, friends, and/or family, and the winning team gets $250 Visa gift cards (just in time for the holidays)!

Here’s what you do:

  • Get the ParticipACTION app
  • Create a profile if you don’t have one yet
  • Create or join a team of 2-8 people
  • Share the team code to invite others to join
  • Get moving, tracking active minutes and earning milestones that get you closer to the prizes as you move!

A challenge is great because it boosts our motivation to get out and do something even on the days when we’d rather hibernate. We could all use some fun in our lives…why not join the December Dash as a way to connect with coworkers, friends, or family on a new level? We don’t have to quit after the challenge period is over, either. Planning regular activity can help us all approach the season in a happier and healthier way. Join the December Dash today!