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Cultural safety: A note from Margo Greenwood, VP Indigenous Health


An image features purple flowers and Indigenous art of dragon flies.
"It’s not just about looking inward, it’s about sharing information and helping others..."

Please join me in reflecting on cultural safety and our joint responsibility in creating culturally safe spaces for all. I would like to share these documents widely, with the hope that they will help how you think about and approach cultural safety. This is especially important during this time, in the COVID-19 pandemic, which is challenging and pressuring all of us. It’s so important we think about our actions and how we approach each other.

At Northern Health, the Indigenous Health team is working hard with leadership to develop culturally safe practices across all spectrums of the work we do, for the people we serve. It’s not just about looking inward, it’s about sharing information and helping others recognize their role in making our workplaces and communities safe for everyone and free of negative discrimination.

The materials I am sharing are here to help you. The Indigenous Health website has additional information, as well as links to provincial and national resources. Each of us has to step into this journey on our own, but the Indigenous Health team is here to provide advice, guidance, and information to our staff, physicians, and our communities to help make our workplaces and communities better for everyone.

Cultural Safety resources

  1. Thinking about cultural safety
  2. Practical tips during COVID-19