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April 24 - 30 is National Volunteer Week!


A group of people stand facing the camera wearing masks and medical scrubs. They are jointly holding a breakfast sandwich.
The Fort St. John Hospital Auxiliary donated breakfast sandwiches to all Fort St. John Hospital and Peace Villa staff for the celebration of their 90th anniversary (February 2022). Pictured left to right: Andre Bennett (owner of Cool Beans Café), Marion Sodergren (Auxiliary Secretary), Amber Bradley (Northern Health Housekeeping staff), and Donna Wrixon (Auxiliary Volunteer). Photo credit: Alaska Highway News

This National Volunteer Week, Northern Health gratefully thanks volunteers in our Northern communities across BC. We have so many volunteers and community partners who are integral to the work we do, and their volunteer generosity truly demonstrates #EmpathyInAction!

A great example of volunteerism in the North is the Fort St. John Hospital Auxiliary. In February 1932, 17 ladies started the Auxiliary with the motto, “For the Care & Comfort of all our Hospital Patients.” Today, 90 years later, that motto still stands, as volunteers continue to work hard in both Fort St. John Hospital and Peace Villa.

Through their gift shop, the Auxiliary helps support the purchase of vital hospital equipment, including an MRI machine, IV pumps, and more. They also help provide caring attention to support our long-term care patients in Peace Villa with “feels like home” projects. This group of volunteers truly reflects the generous spirit of the North!