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Ashley Dubrule

Ashley Dubrule


Ashley Dubrule is the Regional Ultrasound Practice Lead and has been with Northern Health for over 11 years.

Ashley was born and raised in Prince George and prior to joining the regional team she worked as a sonographer at UHNBC, gathering both instructor and supervisor experiencing before taking a role with the regional team over 6 years ago.

Her work with the region centers on the development and promotion of high-quality ultrasound and echocardiography services. Assisting sites with achieving accreditation through the Diagnostic Accreditation Program of BC, along with coordinating and leading quality improvement and training initiatives. In Addition to this Ashley will also provide practical support to all ultrasound sites with sonographers who don’t have an Ultrasound supervisor.

Apart from work, is a busy mom of a 3, twin boys and a proud big sister.  As a family, they enjoy traveling, boating and being outdoors.

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