Today is Weedless Wednesday, a day where the Canadian Council for Tobacco Control encourages smokers (tobacco and cannabis) to butt or doob out for 24 hours.
Weedless Wednesday is part of National Non-Smoking Week, which has been around since 1977. It’s an annual event for smokers to abstain from lighting up for 24 hours. With the growing popularity of vaping and e-cigarette products, as well as the current legalization of cannabis in Canada, all smokers are invited to join in the movement!
There are benefits to quitting, even for 24 hours
A smoker who quits for a full day will experience a drop in carbon monoxide and a rise in oxygen levels in their body within the first 12 hours, and their risk of having a heart attack starts to drop within 24 hours.
Nicotine and cannabis are both tough addictions to quit, but worth the effort because smoke and vapour from both substances can contribute to long-term health risks and negative health impacts. If you smoke or vape, try and plan to quit!
You’re not alone! Individuals looking to quit or decrease their tobacco, vapour or cannabis use, can access these supports:
- QuitNow: offers free information, support, and counselling by trained professionals by phone, text, or email.
- BC Smoking Cessation Program: everyone in BC can get 12 weeks of free nicotine replacement therapy (gum, patch, inhaler, and lozenges) per calendar year through their local pharmacy.
- First Nations Health Authority Benefits Program: offers extra coverage for nicotine replacement therapy.
- Here to Help: Tips for Cutting Back: offers information and support on changing current cannabis use patterns.
- HealthLink BC Alcohol & Drug Information Referral Service: free, confidential information and referral services for BC residents in need of support with any kind of substance use issue.