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Spotlight on our people: Nicole Workman, GoHealth BC travel nurse


Nicole Workman

“I can plan around my life, as opposed to planning around my job” -- the travel nurse program provides flexibility and adventure.

Nicole Workman is a psychiatric nurse from Surrey, BC. After graduating in 2019, she went straight into working in detox and worked mostly in substance use, including the rapid access clinic and the injectable opioid agonist therapy (OAT) program. She also worked in the Surrey Memorial Emergency department connecting people to community services. Now that she has joined the Northern Health GoHealth BC travel nursing pool, where she has worked since April 2022, her role is a bit different, which she says is a good thing.

Nicole standing with mountains as a backdrop“Services are a little bit more intertwined in the smaller communities,” she says. “I've been working mostly with the Terrace Intensive Case Management Team (ICMT), which is outreach and emergency support services for the community there. I've worked in psychiatry as well, but that’s not my major focus.”

“Initially I was just doing vaccine clinics because I wanted a change from working in the city,” said Nicole. “So, I went to Prince George and did that for a month and then they asked me if I might be interested in GoHealth BC [the travel nurse program]. I was the first psych nurse they brought in, so I kind of opened the door for us.”

Nicole workman. So far, Nicole has worked in Dawson Creek, Terrace, and Masset (on Haida Gwaii).

“It's different than what I've done before. On Haida Gwaii, everybody knows everybody, so it's interesting,” she says. “In Terrace, the teams that I worked with have all been very welcoming and very helpful. I like the area because there's a little bit more to do there.” Moving from place to place can take some getting used to, especially while working, which Nicole was initially hesitant about.

“I was mostly concerned about where I'd be staying, because when you're traveling, it's hard to get comfortable in a place that you're not used to. But they have worked with me, and I have appreciated all the hard work that the GoHealth BC program does to make sure that people are comfortable and that concerns are alleviated,” she says.

Nicole appreciates the support that GoHealth BC provides to both patients and travel nurses.

“I like the flexible schedule. I like being able to go for vacations when I want to. Basically, I can plan around my life, as opposed to planning around my job.  I'm going to Japan and Singapore this year, and I don't have to book any time off -- it’s great,” she says. From Nicole’s perspective, GoHealth BC is a great fit for someone who's looking for adventure and new opportunities.

Aerial photo from a helicopter“If you're in a place in your life where you can travel and take advantage of this kind of lifestyle, this is a great way to do it. You have to be a certain kind of person, but if you are that kind of person, you have the support, you have the flexibility, everything you need for a job is there. You have to be OK with being away from home for a long time, but I think it's a great adventure,” she says. “I got to visit a few parts of BC I would probably never have seen. It's beautiful out here on Haida Gwaii. It’s a great place to explore. Get out there and hike, or just explore nature. Just go!”

Are you interested in learning more about how you can experience rural and remote nursing through the GoHealth BC travel nurse program? Check out these links: