 / Stories

Reflections on storytelling and spiritual health


Elder from Metlakatla standing outside
Semiguul (Fanny Nelson, Elder from Metlakatla)

Insights on storytelling and spiritual health

As part of a recent project on healthy aging, I asked Semiguul (Fanny Nelson, Elder from Metlakatla) to share her thoughts on storytelling and spiritual health. She reflected on the importance of both of these ideas and, with National Aboriginal Day just around the corner, I wanted to share her insights with you.

On storytelling:

Story telling, in our culture, is the teaching and passing down of our knowledge. In our culture, the 'Adaawx' is our way of teaching the history of our people. The Tsimshian people.

On spiritual health:

Everything we did and were taught was how to pray for everything we take from the Creator. Cedar from the tree, fish from the sea, hide from the deer or moose which we used to make clothing. Whatever we took from the Creator, we gave thanks. We were also taught, only take what you need.

What do storytelling and spiritual health mean to you?

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