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Qualitycast North: Have you tried turning it off and on again?


Dr. Bill Clifford
Dr. Bill Clifford talks bringing technology and medicine together and adapting to an ever-changing health care practice environment.

Health care information technology (IT) systems and electronic medical records (EMRs) are topics that all practicing clinicians seem to have an opinion on, whether good or bad. Over the last few decades, there has been a massive expansion in the number and reach of these IT systems into every aspect of medicine and across our entire healthcare infrastructure. And although bringing benefits to the care we provide to patient, a new IT system somehow always seems to receive a mixed reception from frontline clinical staff.

In this episode, Dr. Bill Clifford talks about health care IT and EMRs. Dr. Clifford is that rare combination of both physician and software developer. He was previously awarded the Order of British Columbia and Health Quality BC’s Doug Cochrane Leadership in Quality Award for his leadership work as the (now retired) Chief Medical Information Officer for Northern Health and creator of the top-ranked EMR in Canada, commonly known as “MOIS,” or Medical Office Information System.

Dr. Clifford also shares his experiences with medical information and technology, which interestingly began for him with a career in forestry and took inspiration from forestry growth and yield modelling. We also chat about the future role of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning in improving health care quality.

You can read more about Dr. Clifford’s work and achievements here: Bill Clifford - Health Quality BC

You can listen to the episode on the Northern Health PQI website, or on any podcast platform: Qualitycast North Podcast.