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Our People: Spotlight on Rosalind Layton, NH Connections


Rosalind, a middle-aged woman, smiles into the camera.
Rosalind Layton, NH Connections Operations Manager

One of the challenges of delivering health care in Northern BC is the distance that separates us. We love our nature, our wilderness, and our room to breathe, but this lifestyle also means being hours from neighbouring communities and their services.

Luckily for people who need to travel to their health care appointments, there’s Northern Health (NH) Connections. This shuttle service is operated by Diversified Transportation and runs all over the North, offering affordable transportation to those who need it, with buses captained by safe and compassionate drivers!

Behind the scenes, working tirelessly to ensure the fleet is organized and happy, is an incredibly humble, kind, camera-shy individual named Rosalind (Ros) Layton. Ros, the NH Connections Operations Manager, believes wholeheartedly in the program, and sees the benefits it’s brought to so many Northerners throughout the years!

Here’s a little of Ros’s background story and some of her thoughts on NH Connections:

Why did you choose your career with Diversified Transportation/NH Connections?

My last career at a local radio station was very stressful, so I took some time off to reflect on what I wanted out of a career. Northern Health Connections posted a position for a call centre representative and I jumped on it. I got to know the team and the program, and I loved it. Eight months later, I became the Call Centre Supervisor.

What keeps you at NH Connections?

I love the clients! It’s so rewarding to know that we’re helping people.

What would you say to anyone interested in a career with NH Connections?

The company is wonderful. They truly believe in helping staff members grow and succeed.

What do you like about the North?

My whole family lives in the North, specifically Prince George. The people are very friendly and the region is beautiful.

What do you think you bring most to the NH Connections team?

I try to put everybody else first. My team and the clients are the most important part of the job to me, so I try to prioritize them over… well, anything!

What is something that someone might not know about you?

I was recently awarded the BC Transit Superstar Award!

What is your favourite thing to do outside of work?

I love to spend time with my grandson. He plays basketball and football, so you can usually find me cheering him on at games!

What’s your guilty pleasure?


Thank you, Rosalind, for everything that you do for NH Connections, and for caring so deeply about the program, the drivers, and our riders!

Visit the NH Connections page for more information or to book your trip today.