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Northern Health Lab Outpatient Improvement Project wins BC Quality Award


Lab outpatient improvement project wins award
The LOIP team was recognized for their work at improving patient quality in NH labs.

The Northern Health Lab Outpatient Improvement Project (LOIP) has been awarded the BC Quality Award for Excellence in Quality: Strengthening Health & Wellness by Health Quality BC (HQBC).

The LOIP was launched with a goal to address long wait times for accessing outpatient lab services throughout Northern BC.

Through LOIP, NH labs began offering a blended service model of scheduled and unscheduled lab appointments. With this model, patients can self-schedule either online using the HealthElife portal or by phone.

Patients can also drop in and avoid long lineups using NH Check-In for queueing, and they have the flexibility to either bring in a requisition or have it sent straight to the lab. In making these changes over a two-year timespan, lab services were completely transformed and modernized across 26 sites.

Lisette Vienneau, Northern Health’s Regional Director of Diagnostic Services, was also recognized at the 2023 Northern BC Research and Quality Conference as a Person and Family Engagement Exemplar of Note for her presentation on the significant changes that were implemented through LOIP.

Lisette thanks all who were involved in the project in bringing it to fruition:

Thank you to the wonderful and dedicated Northern Health Medical Laboratory professionals, the Clinical Lab Information System Team, and other dedicated staff who were involved in this project. Your resilience, their perseverance and trust were priceless.

A big shout out to our patient partners and Northern Health Leadership for their support; without these key players the task would have been impossible.

Looking to the future, Northern Health will continue to strengthen Laboratory outpatient services in the region by listening to the needs of our population and our lab professionals. My goal is to deliver the best quality lab services in the North.

Palliative care team runner up for BC Quality award
The NH Palliative Care Consultation team was runner up in the category Coping with transition from life.&

Additionally, the Northern Health Palliative Care Consultation Team was the runner-up for the Excellence in Quality: Coping with Transition from Life award.

The Northern Health Palliative Care Consultation Team supports people in both palliative and end-of-life care. The team aims to make palliative care more consistent, accessible, and equitable, filling gaps that previously existed. They value community-based care and, by engaging with primary care providers, their efforts prevent unnecessary hospital admissions. Northern Health's innovative approach, rooted in collaboration and quality, has set a pioneering standard, prompting other health authorities to follow suit. The team's extensive partnerships and outreach to diverse communities, including First Nations and rural areas, underscore their commitment to enhancing palliative care accessibility and support across the region.

Congratulations to all the Northern Health teams, and may you continue to be recognized for your innovation!