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NH Regional Eating Disorders Program reflects on 2019


Four women stand in front of a Hudson's Hope sign.
Left to right: Cindy Wilkinson, Sandi DeWolf, Daney Disher, and Rilla Lodge.

Did you know there’s a team at Northern Health (NH) dedicated to the treatment and prevention of eating disorders?

The NH Regional Eating Disorders Program

The NH Regional Eating Disorders Program is based in Prince George, but supports the entire North. Looking back at 2019, the team took part in a number of quality improvement initiatives:

New doctor joins the team   

Welcome to the team Dr. Yu! Dr. Yu joins Dr. Siemens and Dr. Touhey.

Sharing learnings and innovation with Vancouver and the province

Th­­e team traveled to Vancouver to attend a provincial conference: the Community of Practice for Eating Disorders. The conference was an opportunity to connect with other eating disorder services in the province and stay current with new research and practice guidelines. Sara Garner, the team’s adult therapist, presented on eating disorders and autism. Way to go Sara!

A woman stands beside a trifold presentation board.
Sara Garner, adult therapist with the Regional Eating Disorders team, presented on eating disorders and autism at the Community of Practice for Eating Disorders Conference in Vancouver.

The team travels to the Northeast region

Back in May, Sandi DeWolf, team lead; Daney Disher, registered nurse; and I (Rilla Lodge, registered dietitian), traveled throughout the Northeast region. We shared resources and provided education for community health teams.

Questions or feedback?

Consultation and community support continues to be a primary focus of the Eating Disorders Program’s action plan. Contact us at 250-565-7479.

To learn more about these programs and services, visit https://www.northernhealth.ca/services/mental-health-substance-use/programs-and-services