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New and different experiences as an employed student nurse


Woman with long blonde hair and glasses
Danelle was an Employed Student Nurse with Northern Health and looks forward to continuing her nursing career after graduation.

The Employed Student Nursing (ESN) Program gives nursing students the opportunity to experience different roles around Northern Health and to try something new. Danelle, an ESN in Terrace, is one person who has had the opportunity to work alongside Northern Health’s clinical nurse educators (CNEs).

Danelle was born and raised in Terrace and is a nursing student at UNBC’s Northwest campus there. She has been working with the CNEs at Northern Health for the past one and a half years and has had an amazing experience. Because of the focus on education, this ESN experience was unique in having less of a clinical focus. The time Danelle spent in this role allowed her to understand how nurses and physicians receive education and how which unit they work on affects their education needs.

Below, Danelle shares her experience working with the CNEs and how beneficial she has found her time in the role.

“Until I started in this role, I didn’t realize the challenges involved in supporting nurses’ education behind the scenes. Northern Health’s CNE team is probably one of the most supportive teams I have ever had the chance to work with. I've met many amazing nurses from all over Northern Health who have been supportive in my collaboration with the CNEs.

I've worked with individual CNEs, such as the Operating Room (OR) Educator, when I travelled to Hazelton to observe/participate in ‘scrubbing in’ with OR nurses. I’ve supported the Home Support Educator with updating policies such as the Medication Administration Record and Transdermal Patch Application Record for unregulated care providers. I've also created online education for nurses, which helped me solidify my knowledge of catheters and feeding tubes. As well, I helped implement Northern Health’s essential education strategy, which aims to transform how education is organized and delivered to nurses and physicians.

I am so thankful to the Terrace CNE team for keeping me around for as long as they have! I have learned so much, established valuable connections, and acquired resources that will help improve my nursing practice.

I am extremely interested in public health right now; I enjoy getting to know my clients and educate them about their health and vaccines. I plan to move to Kitimat eventually and work at the hospital there. I had awesome experiences during my clinicals with the staff and patients. I am hoping to graduate in the Spring of 2024 after my clinical on Haida Gwaii. I am excited to see where my career takes me!”

Learn more

Learn more about the ESN program on the Northern Health website.