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Moose Hide Campaign Day - Take Action


An indigenous woman stands beside a tan heart made from multiple moose hide squares. Campaign poster.
Moose hide campaign day poster 2024

The Moose Hide Campaign recognizes that all forms of violence are unacceptable, regardless of gender. Northern Health has a practical, measurable, and impactful role in advancing reconciliation and ending violence against Indigenous and non-Indigenous women and children.

Throughout the past six weeks, Northern Health staff have been learning about the campaign, attending events, wearing pins, and using desktop backgrounds in meetings to raise awareness. Aaron Bond, Northern Heath’s Executive Sponsor of the 2024 Moose Hide Campaign and Vice President, Primary and Community Care, has this to say about the campaign:

“I am proud and very humbled to participate in the Moose Hide campaign. Our personal and organizational commitment to standing up against violence towards women and children is essential in creating safe spaces and workplaces. It is a conversation that needs to happen “out of the shadows” as we stand in solidarity against gender-based violence. As a father, husband, uncle, son, and Northern Health employee, it’s a campaign I encourage all of us to be a part of, to talk about, and to help raise awareness of.”

Fasting is a symbol of commitment and a way to deepen intention. Cameron Stevens, Moose Hide Campaign Staff Lead and Indigenous Health Advisor for Procurement, has made the commitment to fast as part of the ceremony of the day.

“I live along the area known as the “Highway of Tears” and worry about my family and friends,” he says. “I have my wife and three daughters who I love beyond words. I am fully committing myself to fasting for the day. It will be difficult, but it’s something I can do towards continual advocacy to end violence for all.”

Fasting, which is not an option for all and is not advised for many due to health-related reasons, is only one way to demonstrate commitment to this cause. People can learn more about the campaign and work to prevent gender-based violence in daily actions such as including girls and women in decision-making, talking about gender roles early on and challenging traditional stereotypes assigned to women and men, and encouraging a culture of acceptance in the home and workplace.

Participate in the Moose Hide Campaign by learning more, wearing a pin, and reaching out to listen to the stories of others.

To join the virtual Moose Hide Campaign day events, register now.