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Moose Hide Campaign 2023 - Executive Reflections - David Williams


Moose Hide Campaign Day 2023 rally poster
Moose Hide Campaign 2023 rally poster

May 11, 2023 marks the 12th annual Moose Hide Campaign Day. The Moose Hide Campaign is a BC-led, grassroots movement to end violence toward women and children. The campaign began in Northern BC when Raven and Paul Lacerte decided to take action against the violence occurring toward women and children in the North while hunting in their territory.

We asked David Williams, Vice President of Human Resources, to reflect on what the Moose Hide Campaign means to him and how he is taking action to promote the Campaign.

1. Why are you passionate about the Moose Hide Campaign?

I am fortunate to have had strong female influences throughout my life (mother, grandmother, sisters, wife, daughter, work colleagues) who have all contributed to my own personal growth as a parent, husband and professional. Every woman and child should be able to live their best life free from violence. This Moose Hide Campaign highlights the very real challenges experienced by far too many and encourages us all to stand up and speak up.

2. Why is this such an important campaign for Northern Health Executive and staff?

Violence impacts too many people in our communities. Our hope is that by being part of the Moose Hide Campaign and amplifying the message, it can help educate us all and ultimately prevent occurrences. The Moose Hide Campaign began in the North as a reaction to the Highway of Tears crisis so it’s fitting for us to be part of this important effort as we continue to work to make the health care system more culturally safe and representative of the people we serve.

3. What are some actions you have taken, or plan to take in the future, to help raise awareness of the Moose Hide Campaign and its cause?

I am wearing the moose hide pin all year round to signify my commitment to work together with others to end violence against women and children. I have benefited from attending several online education sessions hosted by the Moose Hide Campaign, which have helped to expand my understanding and support my ongoing commitment to honour and respect women and children in my life.

4. What are your recommendations for staff and other leaders in the organization to support this cause?

I recommend visiting the Moose Hide Campaign website. There is a lot of excellent information there to start your learning journey. I also recommend wearing the moose hide pin as it encourages conversations about the Moose Hide Campaign and what it represents.