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CT scanner officially unveiled in Smithers


Cream coloured CT scanner.
The new Smithers CT scanner, located in the Bulkley Valley District Hospital.

On Friday, July 12, 2019, the Bulkley Valley District Hospital (BVDH) and the Bulkley Valley Healthcare Foundation celebrated the opening of the new computerized tomography (CT) scanner at the hospital. More than 50 people from the community, Northern Health, and the Town of Smithers were on hand to mark the event.

There were balloons and a lovely cake, as well as many kind words of reflection and praise for the people who contributed to the purchase of the CT scanner. The purchase was made possible, in large part, through the philanthropy of a Bulkley Valley local, Fritz Pfeiffer, who donated $1.6 million to help fund the project. The CT scanner will carry out more than 3,500 scans a year.