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Community-based HIV and HCV funding: Request for proposals


A World Aids Day button is pictured. The button features a red ribbon on a white background with words that humanize people battling HIV.
The red ribbon is a powerful symbol of awareness and support for people living with HIV. World AIDS Day 2019 had the message to think of those with HIV as people first.

As Northern Health (NH) works to achieve the goals of the provincial From Hope to Health: Towards an AIDS-free Generations framework, we’re inviting community organizations that are well positioned to provide prevention, support, and/or care for individuals living with, or at risk for, HIV and HCV to apply for funding. The deadline to apply is January 13, 2020.

What’s the funding for?

NH is requesting proposals from non-profit health organizations to provide services that will increase access to HIV and Hepatitis C supports across the North.

Organizations can provide a variety of services. For example:

  • Providing prevention education
  • Distributing of harm reduction supplies
  • Offering testing
  • Supporting access to treatment
  • Providing outreach and support
  • Creating safe spaces to reduce stigma

This round of funding is to provide services over a three-year period (from April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2023).

In 2016, we awarded contracts to eight organizations across the North. In 2017, an additional three organizations received funding.

Who’s eligible?

  • Non-profit, charitable or First Nations organizations in BC that provide health services in northern BC
  • Organizations must have experience in providing low-barrier services that are provided with a harm reduction lens, in a culturally safe manner

How much funding is available?

Each organization not currently holding a contract is eligible for funding of up to $50,000 per fiscal year (April 1 to March 31). Current contract holders may apply for up to $50,000 or a 2% increase on their current contract value, whichever is greater.

How do I apply and find out more?

For more information or to apply, visit NH’s HIV and HCV website, where you can find the Community Contract Funding Guideline and the HIV and HCV Funding Application, or email Rcd.communications@northernhealth.caThe deadline to apply is January 13, 2020.