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Children aged 11 and younger can now be signed up for HealthElife: A mom of two shares her experience


Nicole and her two children
Nicole and her two children. She was recently able to sign them up for their own HealthElife accounts and get online access to their health records.

Parents and caregivers can now sign-up children aged 11 and younger for their own HealthElife account. This means parents or caregivers will have access to their child’s health record and some health services online, such as booking a lab appointment.

I spoke to Nicole, a mother of two in Quesnel BC, about her experience using HealthElife and creating accounts for her children.

“Signing up was extremely easy. I printed the form online, filled it out, and then brought it to the medical records department at GR Baker and gave it to them [the medical records department]. Then they gave me a link and PIN to create a HealthElife account.”

Why one parent signed up her kids for HealthElife

Nicole’s son, who is 4, has had a couple ER visits and having access to his records has helped her as a parent.

“It’s good to have that information because it isn’t easily accessible unless you make a follow-up doctor appointment. If you’re at the ER and you’re treated, even if they say everything looks normal, you can still view the results online.”

Nicole shared that sometimes it’s a 3-4 week wait to be able to see their family doctor. Plus having access to her children’s records means she can better prepare any questions she might have for her health care provider.

“When my son had croup, I could see his chest x-ray online. It was normal which was nice to see. If there was an abnormal value, I could ask ahead of time.”

HealthElife gives parents easier and faster access to their child’s health records

Nicole shared that creating HealthElife accounts for her son and daughter means their health information is more easily accessible.

“Health records aren’t readily available, even if you are requesting them. They are paper records that can take weeks to get. With HealthElife, you can view your records on your phone or computer. It’s nice to have it all in one portal where it’s laid out by labs or x-rays. Everything is under their own tab.”

Tips for signing up kids for HealthElife

When signing up for HealthElife, there are a couple things to keep in mind.

  • Parents/caregivers must have their own HealthElife account.
  • Each HealthElife account must have a unique email address.

Nicole recommends parents/caregivers create an email address for their children that they can use in the future.

“I included their first name and birth year so they can use it when they’re older,” she shared.

Where to sign up

Parents and caregivers interested in signing up their children can find detailed instructions online.

“It was super easy, even when you sign up for yourself. I think anyone could do it,” shared Nicole.