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Celebrating National Nursing Week 2024: Collaboration and teamwork


Woman with her arm around a black dog.
Paige, a registered nurse in Prince Rupert, and her dog Charlie.

Indigenous Nurses Day is on May 6 as part of National Nursing Week. In recognition of the tremendous impact nurses have on individuals, communities, and the future of health care, this year’s theme is “Changing lives. Shaping tomorrow.”

Today we’re highlighting Paige Montague-Wheatley, a Registered Nurse working in Prince Rupert.

What do you love about nursing?

I love the collaboration and teamwork among peers, and being able to depend on each other for help and questions. I have gotten close to the people I work with, and it’s because of them that I stay in this job.

This year’s theme is “Changing lives. Shaping tomorrow.” How has nursing impacted your life?

I don’t know what I’d be doing otherwise. It sounded like a good career path, so I chose it, and now it’s a big part of my identity. My life would be so different if I wasn’t a nurse.

What’s the best thing about where you live and work?

I was born and raised in Prince Rupert and my family is still here. This is familiar home territory for me.

How long have you been with Northern Health? If you didn’t start nursing here, where did you originally start your nursing journey?

I’ve been with Northern Health for six years; it’ll be six years in May. I started with NH in Fort St. John at the birthing centre and got my initial maternity training there. After two years, I moved home to Prince Rupert and began working at Prince Rupert Regional Hospital.

What’s one thing that you wish everyone knew about the job nurses do?

One thing I wish everyone knew about the job nurses do is the profound emotional toll it can take. They navigate difficult situations with empathy and strength, all while maintaining professionalism and providing exceptional care to their patients.