Northern Health (NH) strives to make our values – empathy, respect, collaboration, and innovation – the core of what we do every day.
The Dr. Charles Jago Awards, named after our former board chair, acknowledge and celebrate the NH staff, physicians, and teams who have made outstanding contributions to the organizational goals, reflecting our values in the process.
The winners under the “Innovation” category for 2022 are the Leadership Development Team, including the following people:

- Amy Blanding, Regional Manager Organizational Education and Training, Education and Training
- Angela Zavaglia, Assistant, Education & Training, Education
- Beth Ann Derksen, Executive Lead, Critical Care Program, Critical/Urgent Care
- Gail Haeussler, E-Learning Advisor, Education & Development
- Lori Lee Sweeney, Health Service Administrator
- Michael Lundin, Regional Manager, Clinical Simulation Education, Patient Simulation Services
- Stacey Pickering, Regional Manager, Student Practice Education, Education
- Viva Swanson, Advisor, Leadership Development Northeast, Community Services Management
The Leadership Development team won this award for their hard work and dedication to re-developing a great number of courses that were once in-person, to a COVID-19 safe delivery method. They were able to transition the style of learning to a virtual platform, while also keeping the participants excited, engaged, and allowing them to network with one another using technology.
Ibolya Agoston, Regional Director of Education and Training, Professional Practice, said this about the team:
“Not only did they learn the delivery methodology to a level that they could provide training, but they transitioned the educational content, reimagined the workshops, and designed new learning to meet the needs of the learners and the program learning objectives. This required incredible creativity and innovation, thinking outside the box and well outside their comfort zones. They achieved it with grace, humour, and the utmost dedication to our staff and best practices.”
John Short, Site Administrator at Northern Haida Gwaii Hospital & Health Centre, also added:
“As we all continue to learn how to safely adjust our work during the pandemic, I just wanted to thank the team for the online course, Coaching Out of The Box (COOTB), that I recently completed. I was quite impressed with the efficient use of technology to support both group and breakout sessions seamlessly. Initially, I was skeptical if an online platform could effectively deliver a program that requires constant and meaningful contact between people without technology getting in the way. Quickly, the Leadership Development Team demonstrated that not only can a program like COOTB be delivered in this format but it can be done with success. The group I was involved in were quite committed to the material and by the end of the program we were thankful that it was online and delivered by such a caring and committed team.”
Thank you to the Leadership Development team for their hard work and commitment!