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2022 Jago Award Winner: Empathy


2022 Jago Awards graphic
The Dr. Charles Jago Awards, named after our former board chair, acknowledge and celebrate the NH staff, physicians, and teams who have made outstanding contributions to the organizational goals, reflecting our values in the process.

Northern Health (NH) strives to make our values – empathy, respect, collaboration, and innovation – the core of what we do every day.

The Dr. Charles Jago Awards, named after our former board chair, acknowledge and celebrate the NH staff, physicians, and teams who have made outstanding contributions to the organizational goals, reflecting our values in the process.

The winner under the “Empathy” category for 2022 is Stacy Zsombor, ICMT (Intensive Case Management Team) High Acuity Unit registered nurse.

Ben Last, registered nurse, ICMT, said this about Stacy:

“Stacy has a naturally calm disposition and is excellent with the clients the ICM team serves. Often these people are hesitant or difficult to engage with healthcare, and Stacy builds rapport with these clients regularly and easily, while gently encouraging clients to look after their health. He is an excellent role model for mental health and addictions staff and illustrates how people ought to be treated.”

Alanna Chretien, social worker, also added:
“I’ve worked with Stacy on multiple NH outreach teams over the last four years, and he continues to demonstrate compassion and responsiveness to both colleagues and clients. Recently, Stacy offered to provide nursing support to both ACT (Assertive Community Treatment) and ICM teams in the midst of a staffing crisis. It was a difficult week with many challenges thrown his way, and required much flexibility, but Stacy continued to provide both teams with exceptional care. This is only one small example of Stacy’s practice, as these moments of kindness happen frequently. Both ACT and ICM teams are beyond fortunate to have him as a team member, and I am honoured to work alongside Stacy!”

Thank you, Stacy, for your dedication to your work, we greatly appreciate everything you do!