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NH regional Public Health Orders lifted; provincial COVID-19 restrictions apply

Northern Health
Information Bulletin

Northern Health (NH) is aligning public health orders for Gatherings and Events with COVID-19 restrictions for the rest of BC.

The current NH Gatherings and Events COVID-19 Order has been in place since December 24, 2021, as NH and provincial public health officials have continually evaluated rates of COVID-19 activity, and the impact on health care resources. The north continues to see increases in the number of new COVID cases, while rates of serious illness and hospitalizations have not increased beyond levels seen elsewhere in the province.

NH Medical Health Officers have assessed that the BC-wide measures announced and updated at the provincial level this week, will help to limit the impacts of the current Omicron-driven rates of COVID-19 on northern communities and health care resources. Public health are continuing to continue to closely monitor COVID-19 activity and health care system impacts, along with regional immunization coverage rates.

While NH-specific measures are repealed effective January 20, 2022 -- all current Provincial Public Health Orders and restrictions, including PHO orders on masks in public indoor settings, on gatherings and events, and on restaurants, pubs, bars and nightclubs continue to be in effect and enforced in the Northern Health region. View more information on the provincial restrictions in place across BC.

Vaccination continues to be the best line of defence against COVID-19. There are ongoing vaccine clinic opportunities throughout the region, including for newly-eligible 5 to 11 year olds. Find a clinic.