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NH regional Public Health Orders extended

Northern Health
Media Bulletin

Northern Health (NH) is maintaining current regional public health orders covering most of the NH region, in response to sustained rates of COVID-19 activity and the impact on health care resources.

NH and provincial public health officials continue to evaluate levels of COVID-19 activity and its ongoing impacts on the health care system, individuals, and communities. At this time, NH Medical Health Officers have determined there remains a need for regional public health measures to limit transmission, reduce case counts, and reduce rates of COVID-19 hospitalizations and deaths in the North.

The Northern Health Gatherings and Events COVID-19 Order was originally implemented October 14, 2021 with an expiry date of midnight, November 19. Effective midnight, November 18, the Order expiry date has been removed, and current measures will remain in effect pending further assessment of the region’s COVID-19 status.

Vaccination is the best line of defence against COVID-19. While immunization rates continue to increase in larger centres across the north, some parts of the region still have some of the lowest vaccination rates in BC. There are ongoing vaccine clinic opportunities throughout the region; find a clinic near you.