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Daily huddles in Fort Nelson improve patient care


Front entrance of the Fort Nelson hospital and sign
Interprofessional team huddles ensure patient care extends beyond the hospital walls in Fort Nelson.

The health care team in Fort Nelson, which is made up of social workers, home support workers, nurses, and administrative staff, meets daily for a 30 minute huddle to ensure the best possible care for their patients. Gathering first thing in the morning, they discuss the day ahead, different patients, and any changes in current patient care plans. They also identify new patients that may need additional support from the team and highlight anyone who will need additional follow up once they leave the hospital.  

“It's a team effort,” says Lynn Fertuck, Interprofessional Team Lead for Fort Nelson. “We have a job to do, and we work together to get the job done.”

Meeting together as a team allows them to talk about the different roles and patients that need specialist services, such as mental health and addictions, or home and community care.

The doctors in Fort Nelson join some huddles when they are able, and they reach out to the team on an as-needed basis. The team will also reach out to the doctors as needed.  Visiting specialists in the community will even participate in the huddles and do case reviews with the team. Interprofessional communication is key.

These huddles are essential to help coordinate care. Patients may be seen by different members of the team for different care needs, so this way, appointments are better scheduled, and information is shared between relevant team members.

Thanks for sharing this example, Fort Nelson team, of how a quick daily huddle can have a big impact!